Kino's Internal Monologue: April Newsletter
The Internal Monologue actually seems like a better title than Internal World... I'm keeping it!
Well, hello, again! I’m thrilled that you have actually subscribed to my Substack, even as a free subscriber. It always amazes me that anyone even cares about what I have to say or what I’m doing.
In December, I was kicked by a horse and broke my rib. The healing process was annoying and I spent a lot of time on the couch. I had to sleep sitting up for a few days. If I lied down, I’d need help getting back up and half the time I screamed out in pain. This event put a lot of things in perspective for me. One of those things was that at any moment, I could lose everything I worked hard for. In all seriousness, if those hooves landed differently, I could have died. If I had died then, would I be happy with where I left my life?
Not really. That’s not to say I don’t love my life, but I have definitely spent a lot of time living for other people. My life has been out of balance for myself for quite some time. Whether I am trying to not hurt someone’s feelings or trying to make sure someone sees value in me… I’m not being honest with myself and sometimes I take other people’s emotional wellbeing over mine or even my animals’. And I can’t do that anymore.
So that’s kind of where this Substack comes in. I have an MFA in Creative Writing and I hardly write anymore. That changes now. Writing is my main job. I love it and I think I can have a huge impact on our society through writing. Sandy King Carpenter once told me I’m a great writer. Tara Hardy said I have the chops to make it a career. Why didn’t I listen?
Well, I got kicked by a horse and published a print copy of my first poetry book while I was healing. I’m listening now.
If you have received your copy, please leave a rating on Amazon or Goodreads. If you haven’t received a copy yet, Amazon is the best place to get one right now. However, you can get it through other major retailers. I will have copies for sale at upcoming shows where I’m allowed a merch table.
Upcoming Shows
I don’t have any dates to announce just yet, but there are some upcoming shows in the Seattle area. I will update this newsletter and my website when the dates are official. You can also contact me through my site to book me somewhere near you!
That’s all for now…
As we’re just coming into spring and I am coming out of being injured, life is starting to pick up. I am working on a few projects that I don’t think I can announce just yet, but one is a novel that has been in progress for a long time and I can finally see the finished project coming together. This one will also be self-published and will be open for pre-orders after I have settled on a few things for it.
I hope you all are well and thanks again for catching up with my brain.
P.S. I had to give you a little Sven spam to spruce up the newsletter a bit for no other reason than he’s beautiful.