Hello! I am really bad about this newsletter thing. Because of this, I am moving my paid subscription option to only The Dog and Pony Show right now, since that is where I am spending most of my energy these days. If you are unaware, that is where I am posting blogs on my adventures with my dog, Willow Bug and horse, Maddy. Miyavi, my cat, may also make an occasional appearance, but he doesn’t particularly like being the center of attention.
On FEBRUARY 29 (I know— that was forever ago now) I finally released my novella, Haunted Ones. It is most readily available on Amazon in paperback, hardcover, and ebook (but you should be able to have other stores order it. I may have a few copies for sale at some events in the near future). I must say, the hardcover is gorgeous with its glossy finish. The cover art was done by my good friend, Steven Archer, of Ego Likeness. He is an incredibly generous person and amazing artist. He has a library of work that he never ended up using and allows indie artists and writers to use them for their projects. I am grateful because right now, this girl is BROKE.
I got fired from training AI. Which is funny because it was either because I made the AI write anti-AI things or it was because of the dark content. They never exactly told me, so without feedback, I can only assume. I also didn’t quite take the gig seriously, so you reap what you sow, I guess.
Auditions are currently in progress for the audiobook and I am also working on the audio version of A Portrait of a Poison, which is my poetry chapbook (available everywhere).
I have been performing sideshow every once in a while with Morbid Curiositease at 2 Fingers Social in West Seattle. The last one was in February and I pulled a string of dicks out of my straitjacket!
And more recently, I performed four acts for the Hallow Ian Horror Hour series that will air in October on SCCaryTV (Seattle College Cable Television). Go to the aforementioned link to find where it screams and what channel you can catch it on in October. You can also watch the previous season, which hosts some more of my work.
I am currently KNEE DEEP in heartworm treatment for Willow Bug, so that is where most of my attention is. However, I will be joining Jeff Ferrell and Aurelio Voltaire in April to film their next project, Demonatrix. STOKED! (Am I allowed to say I’m working on it? I don’t even know. I’m just the key PA on this one.)
Anyway, I no longer have a “day job,” so I am trying to actually write full time until I open my own dog and horse training business… but I clearly just do everything as always.
Until next time,